
If you're trying to follow a specific diet or stay on track with your weight, it might be wise

Having diabetes doesn't mean you need to give up hot toddies, white Russians or

Tyler Stevenson shares his story of college life as a diabetic. Of course, thousands of young

In an attempt to cut medical costs, doctors have started restricting patients who are either

A new app that has been developed for the iPhone and iPod is giving type 1 teen diabetics a new

Researchers at the University of Michigan Health System and VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System

It is a well-known fact that diabetics are more prone to certain health problems; this includes

New research shows that overweight teens that enjoy a full night's sleep can drastically reduce

Another study has provided further proof to the connection between overweight pregnancies and

It's World Diabetes Day, but you may not even know you have the disease.

In National Diabetes Month, the American Optometric Association (AOA) is reminding

The start of November officially marks Diabetes Awareness Month.


Being a teenager in the U.S. leaves little time for sleep. Young people devote their time to

For those diabetics who are not on insulin pumps, testing blood sugar 3 to 6 times a day can be

In the US, 18 percent of 5- and 6-year-olds entering kindergarten are obese. Many of these