Natural Diabetic Treatment
Diabetes can be a devastating disease in terms of how it affects someone emotionally, physically, and in lifestyle changes. Suddenly, it seems, everything you've done for fun and excitement (and eating) is wrong.
The first question nearly everyone diagnosed with diabetes asks is "can it be cured?" This is usually with hopeful intent to return to the previous lifestyle that, in all probability, is what caused or brought forth the diabetes in the first place.
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Luckily, however, there are natural ways to cure diabetes. These are not short-term or "do it and forget it" options, however. Once diabetes manifests, then it's understood that the person can easily have it again even if "cured."
Mainstream medicine calls diabetes "chronic" and says there is no way to get rid of it. The consensus is that it can be sent into remission (what we're basically talking about here) or just treated continually for a lifetime. The idea of a natural cure is merely exchanging the word "remission" for "cure" in diabetes care.
So how do you get rid of diabetes naturally?
First, get to the root of your diabetes. What brought it out? Poor diet? Lack of exercise? Too much fat, sugar, or something else? Likely it was a group of things all adding up together. Whatever the reason, you need to pinpoint it.
A natural cure is as temporary as a pill can be if it's just used to treat the symptom (diabetes) rather than the cause (poor health).
Mainstream medicine focuses mainly on the glucose, a measurable metric in diabetes that can be used to control it. This, however, treats only the symptom (fluctuating glucose) rather than the problem (something affecting insulin production).
Natural remedies for helping balance insulin production include fig leaves, black seed, fenugreek, cinnamon, grape seed extract, olive oil, bitter melon, and vitamins C and D.
Vitamin C, especially, is a fast-acting sugar balancer that can have near-immediate effects for the diabetic. Taking large doses (100 or more milligrams) is often recommended to get someone started on the road to recovery.
Again, though, if the cause isn't remedied, than the diabetes cure will only be temporary. Poor diet and health need to be addressed. Nearly everyone can benefit from and see their diabetes reduced or eliminated if they eat healthy foods and get more exercise.
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