4 holiday travel tips for diabetics
It's the time of year when people are hopping on planes, trains and automobiles.
Holiday travel can be stressful, but it can be especially hard when you have a medical condition. Visiting relatives means that you're changing up your normal schedule and, therefore, you need to be aware of how this might affect your diabetes care.
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Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Double up
Experts recommend to pack twice the amount of supplies you think you might need for your trip. If something were to delay your travel plans going home, you'll be glad you have extras. Also, luggage can get lost easily on planes nowadays, so make sure you have what you need in your carry-on bag.
Bring snacks
Keep lots of snacks or glucose tabs with you in case your blood sugar drops suddenly. Make a note of where you see food stands around the airport or gas stations on the road in case you need to grab something to eat.
Bring your medical info
Carry your insurance card and the phone number for your doctor with you. Should something happen, it's good to be prepared. It's also wise to carry a medical identification card that lets emergency response people know you have diabetes.
Be aware of time changes
Traveling to different time zones can be difficult if you're used to a regular eating and/or insulin schedule. Make sure you pay close attention to the time and set alerts or reminders on your phone for taking medication.
Source: Herald Tribune
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